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Happy Mall Story

3 reviews
183.8 k downloads

Create the mall of your dreams

Older versions of Happy Mall Story

If you are unable to install the newest Happy Mall Story version, download a previous one for Android from Uptodown. The latest update may contain bugs or present compatibility issues with your device, so this previous version history may be the solution you're looking for. Here, we offer older versions of Happy Mall Story that are compatible with different Android architectures, thus allowing you to find the most suitable one for your device. This history provides you with a fast and secure way to get the version you need.
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apk 2.3.1 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 May 8, 2019
apk 2.3.0 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 Apr 2, 2019
apk 2.2.1 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 Sep 28, 2018
apk 2.1.1 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 Sep 13, 2023
apk 2.0 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 Nov 3, 2017
apk 1.7 Sep 19, 2017
apk 1.6.0E Android + 2.0 Jun 30, 2016
apk 1.4.8 Nov 5, 2015
apk 1.4.6 Sep 9, 2015
apk 1.4.5 Jul 15, 2015
apk 1.4.4 Jun 10, 2015
apk 1.4.3B May 22, 2015
apk 1.4.3 May 19, 2015
apk 1.4.2B Android + 2.0 Apr 26, 2015
apk 1.4.2 Android + 2.0 Apr 25, 2015
apk 1.4.1 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Mar 17, 2015
apk 1.4.0 Android + 2.0 Feb 16, 2015
apk 1.3.9B Android + 2.0 Jan 16, 2015
apk 1.3.9 Android + 2.0 Jan 14, 2015
apk 1.3.8 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Dec 29, 2014
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